Sunday, July 27, 2008

Nano Wars

After a few tries with Nano Wars I finally completed all 14 levels. If you've got a mouse and one good eye you should breeze through this game, up until level 12. This level will piss you off till you shit through your chair. Luckily I'm here to vent for you and walk you through it.


The goal here is to wipe out those green shit nanos. Each bubble is a little cell, and generates units according to the color that are living in it. Bigger cells generate units faster. To take over a cell, click on your cell then click on your opponents'. You'll send over half the units that occupy the cell your attacking with. Basically, click your man and send him out to kick some ass. Easy enough, so let's get started!

I was going to type it all out, but I thought it would be better to just show you.


If viruses and Napoleon have taught us anything, it's that the deadliest of threats can often be the tiniest.Complete level 9

Tiny Victory Badge (easy – 5 points)
Complete level 3 in Nano War

Microscopic Mayhem Badge (hard – 30 points)
Complete all 14 levels in Nano War

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