Taking a first glance at the cartridge, it looks like a pretty kick ass game. There’s a helicopter shooting fucking lazer beams at a tank. C’mon! I was seizure with excitement walking home with this baby. Coming back to the game years later, I brought with me the determination to kick some ass and to put this game under my belt.
No lie, it wasn’t so bad. You had bombs, you had a main gun, there were tanks everywhere, you could blow up airplanes and what looked like helium tanks, FUCK YEAH, I WAS ROCKIN’ ! I can’t remember how many times I died trying to beat the game, it was definitely a challenge, but eventually got there. Instead of your classic beat the boss at the end getting a congratulatory message, I flew right back to the beginning of the game. No pause, no message, no boss, the game just starts right over, what the shit is this? Ready to snap my controller in half, I put on the emulator, infinite health and sped up the game in an effort to find the ending.
Ya, I never did find an ending to the game. I remember as a kid trying to beat this, it’s such a disappointment knowing it was for nothing. What’s the point in playing a game? To get the satisfaction of winning and beating it, well what the hell happened here? Overall, I liked the sound effects, I liked the game play and controls, definitely a good game for it’s time. Considering the fact you can never actually beat it, is a bunch of shit which backs up my rating of 3.5.
Don’t waste anymore than 10 minutes with this game, if any. Knowing what’s ahead is discouraging and will leave you feeling like you’ve wasted your fucking time. If you want some challenge with an actual purpose, pop in Abadox, Rescue Rangers or Legendary Wings. Not to forget about the popular games like Castlevania or MegaMan.
Stay the fuck away from Tiger-Heli!